Most people don’t take it upon themselves to attempt to inspire or lead others. With the state of the world being what it is, it is hard to get people inspired! What is there to live for? What avenues are available to the average person to find spiritual, moral, and emotional betterment? The path is narrow and difficult to spot. A whole lifetime of distractions has been set out before people. Who is willing to weather the slings and arrows in order to point the way?
Private despair is the way out, for most. A person sizes up the situation, recognizes the degree of difficulty in maintaining their own inner, authentic voice, and gives up slowly and gradually over time. It is not so common that someone gives up all at once. The slow and gradual route allows a person to say to themselves, “I did try!”
Leading and inspiring others demands boldness of character. A standout has to shock the system arrayed against him. He has to be audacious. He has to be creative in order to stay a step ahead. He must be moral and just so that he is not dragged down into petty strife. He must be universal in that he is as good in private as he is in public. There are no shortcuts to excellence. A person has to be good, even in his own private relationship with himself.
History is marked, now and then, by a morally exceptional person who bucked the trends, fended off the seeping greyness everywhere, and struck out with his own genius to teach everyone a new way. These people are far more rare than we would be led to believe. The great promise of the Internet is that there will be far more of these people than ever before. The promise is that virtue is at least somewhat transmissible, not solely inborn.
Think of it, corruption and degeneration are ultra powerful forces buckling and breaking Western Civilization yet it has not completely fallen away. Imagine the untapped power in the millions of people who are waking up to the evils present today. Leadership will become the currency of the future. Inspiration will be the guiding light. A great awakening is taking place. Let’s hope that it will be enough.