Bogged Down In Your Job?
The personal reality of inflation means everyone is working longer hours or angling hard for pay raises in order to maintain the same lifestyle of yesteryear. Everyone but a few privileged banking and war making elite is falling behind. To maintain their lifestyles, the elite must further and further cloister into diminishing spaces. When they… Continue reading
Practicing Depth Conversations
Due to the secularization of the world, people see far fewer limits and inhibitions in the way of their personal largess. As a result, loneliness has run rampant. This is a huge problem that society has not found a way to deal with quite yet. Social media is not of particular use. Meeting people in… Continue reading
There’s No Need To Hate Women
People need to separate women and the State. They are not one in the same. The State preys on women’s need for resources and women will vote themselves into monetary security at the expense of political freedom. Under feminism, the main people to lose their freedom are men – who are the majority taxpayers by… Continue reading