steven franssen
Lying By Omission
Fraudulent misrepresentation is rampant in the social media age. People are obsessed with imagery. Marketing is all the rage. Little lies compound into big lies and there is no informed consent anymore. The government does it. Everyone does it! The world is in a mad dash and few slow down to check the details. Lying… Continue reading
Leave It Better Than When You Found It
When I was around fifteen I began watching some late night television. I bought a TV with some money I scrounged up and the only interesting stuff on broadcast TV was the late night stuff. There was an episode of Jay Leno’s show wherein he was speaking with an old couple who had set the… Continue reading
People Who Struggle With Creativity
Creativity allows us to make novel connections, seek out new ways of doing things, make artistic expression happen, and build something where there was nothing before. A lot of people struggle with becoming more creative. There are a variety of reasons this happens. One of the foremost reasons for creative struggles is the Inner Critic.… Continue reading