steven franssen
Kids And Compliments
We have all seen people become full of themselves because of compliments and as a result, we are careful and even neglectful in our compliment giving. Nobody wants to inflate someone else’s ego. That would be incorrect and lead to ruin for the person. Our modern world has shied away from compliments nearly altogether. Can’t… Continue reading
People Who Exhaust The Goodwill
There are a million and one ways that a person takes advantage of others. Entire books are dedicated to just one or two ways, ad infinitum. The basic essence to discuss here today is the advantage taking. A person takes advantage of another person. That’s it. This boils down to a withdrawal on the goodwill… Continue reading
Anything To Not Do The Work
During my nearly decade long advocacy for self-knowledge, I have demystified self-reflection as some kind of mystical, complex discipline. This is abundantly apparent in my book Make Self-Knowledge Great Again, as well as in other books such as Peaceful Parenting, where I touch upon the topic. A popular modality making the rounds in psychology circles… Continue reading