steven franssen
Scolding And Disagreement
People have a tricky relationship to scolding. Most people growing up were scolded for what they did wrong, according to their parents’ values, and maybe, sometimes they were praised for what they did right. As such, people tend to engage each other with uncurious scolding as adults. Since this is the social currency, the other… Continue reading
John Mayer’s Last Train Home
I first heard John Mayer’s new song Last Train Home about a month ago. I was excited by it and thought immediately that it was his best song since 2003. That’s eighteen years! What happened with John Mayer? I read once in a Playboy interview with him that he was an obsessive dude who collected… Continue reading
People Who Get Overwhelmed Easily
People need to find the tipping point for themselves where social and technological input gets to be too much. Partly, some of our choice has been taken away by the convergence of super-massive government contrived catastrophes. You want to keep your finger on the pulse and stay watchful for danger. But some of it is… Continue reading