steven franssen

  • Leaving The Land Of The Lost

    Self-knowledge and philosophy, terms I use relatively interchangeably, are harsh mistresses. There is no perfect guarantee that once we embark on a process of self-reflection that everything from before will remain exactly intact as it was afterwards. People struggle miserably against this fact. They struggle against their own conscience. Their conscience tells them, “This person… Continue reading

  • People Talk Past Each Other

    People, at their most inattentive, are caught up in to-do’s, shoulds, and narratives about their lives that may or may not have anything to do with the social feedback around them. If a person wants to get things done, so be it. If a person wants to be intimately involved in the people around them,… Continue reading

  • How To Not End Up A Loser In Your 30’s

    How To Not End Up A Loser In Your 30’s The charm of youth wears off and people’s personalities become beholden to the habits they kept in adulthood. By the late 20’s, a person has fundamentally made their choice whether they will live truthfully and honestly or they will be a drain on others. People… Continue reading