Leading With Curiosity
Curiosity is this golden currency that has been lost on modern discourse. Everyone is busy sparring with each other over precious resources, limited real estate, and all the other constrictions that come from living under a tyrannical rule set. The easiest way to conquer a people from within is to reduce and reduce their living… Continue reading
You Are Not Owed An Explanation
As children, we need explanations from our parents. This is how we make sense of the world. Parents need to have built up a lot of patience before becoming parents, by doing self-knowledge and philosophy properly. They use this patience in the service of articulating the nuts and bolts of the world to us. If… Continue reading
Most People Settle Young
The vast majority of people have made essential, irreversible compromises by the age of 21 that set them off of the path of full honesty. The most common of these compromises is in their choice of romantic relationship. They choose a partner who limits them in the same ways in which their parents limited them.… Continue reading