Problems With Motivation
The first place to check if you have problems with motivation is to look at the people around you. Are they unmotivated themselves? Do they shoot down your ideas and squelch your enthusiasm? Are they perpetual victims that stumble around from drama to drama? Do they suck the life out of the room whenever they’re… Continue reading
Leading With Curiosity
Curiosity is this golden currency that has been lost on modern discourse. Everyone is busy sparring with each other over precious resources, limited real estate, and all the other constrictions that come from living under a tyrannical rule set. The easiest way to conquer a people from within is to reduce and reduce their living… Continue reading
Helping People Who Help Themselves
As I once covered a long time ago on my now-banned YouTube channel, compassion is often weaponized against people. Owing to sophistic appeals to care about the down-trodden, categorically, people are tricked into giving away their time, resources, energy, and even whole societies because they believe it will make a difference in the lives of… Continue reading