Don’t Be Stingy With Your Praise
There is this pernicious lie going around that praising someone publicly, in the Internet age, is somehow sycophantry. You have something nice to say about other people on a consistent basis? You’re a sycophant! This is a bunch of BS abusiveness masquerading as thought. People are dulled and insensitive because the general condition of the… Continue reading
The Absolute Essentials Of Conflict Resolution
Conflict happens from time to time in relationships. Conflicts are bound to happen more often when people do not share values. The focus of today’s entry is more along the lines of when people share values. This is most commonly the case when people are long time friends, husband and wife, adult siblings, or in… Continue reading
The Digital High Is Wearing Off
Experts estimate that chronic loneliness can be as damaging to one’s health as smoking anywhere between half a pack and a full pack of cigarettes a day. Irrespective of how you feel about the health effects of tobacco, the statement couldn’t be more clear: loneliness is a silent killer. Recently I was reflecting on the… Continue reading