Forgiveness Is Earned
You often hear, “You’ve got to forgive so-and-so. Time to let it go. Don’t hold grudges. We’re supposed to just automatically forgive people.” This is coming from sentimental people who are rapidly losing their civilization. The fact of the matter is that forgiveness, which is to grant pardon to a person, is earned. All too… Continue reading
Girlbosses: The Real Domestic Terrorists?
Imagine America has been taken over by a network of hostile agents. They have seized and redirected all of the resources in the economy to further fund their criminal empire. They have demeaned and subjugated the fighting age males. The birthrates of the nation have been kicked off a cliff. The future is grim because… Continue reading
Trauma-Based Mind Control Parenting
The media is driving the world away from peace and into chaotic, ultra violent mayhem. Crime rates across major US cities are exploding. Communism has taken firm root in places like California and New York. Internal migration within the United States to safer havens has reached a fever pitch. Food insecurity is setting in as… Continue reading