Humans Are NOT Tax Livestock
Globalism’s winners (billionaires) are crowding everyone into small, hyper surveilled urban centers whilst buying up all of America’s farmland to turn it into a vast nature preserve. They are doing this because they hate humans, not because they know what to do with the land. A good farmer knows he needs to put his pigs… Continue reading
Women In A Huff
Due to modern expectations, social pressures, the sinking ship that is the modern economy, and a bunch of other stuff, women tend to get into a huff about things. Watch out! She’ll bowl/bull you over. The most aggressive drivers I have ever encountered have been women in business casual clothing with a coffee cup from… Continue reading
The Dog Pound
One of the most remarkable videos I ever saw was about ten years ago. The video is of a dog that was severely abused and then left to a dog shelter. The dog had never been pet before in its life. The video is of a person petting the dog, which the dog immediately interprets… Continue reading