The Wife Guy Problem
The term “wife guy” has been around since 2016. The NYT says that wife guy is defined as a man who married a woman and that is his personality, perhaps even his job. This is similar to simping, where a man gives up his personal power for the approval of a woman, but involves the… Continue reading
Those With A Need For Validation
Many adults walk around in life repeating a cycle of rejection they once had to go through in childhood. The cycle is as follows: child has an interest he wants to share with parent parent rejects the child for their interest child experiences pain and sorrow We look at people who are “dejected” and we… Continue reading
The Simp’s Disappearing Act
There is one tried and true attack vector upon man that has worked since time immemorial: his need for a woman. Man has a biological imperative to reproduce. His purpose in life is to replace himself. Therefore, if you control the women, you can break down the man. This is why every mass political movement… Continue reading