The Poison of American Media
Earlier this year I watched the film Ride the High Country and was reminded of the warmth and candor of the actor Joel McCrea. He always had a kindly Christian countenance about him. Ride the High Country was his last film, apart from one other major role he came back to do 14 years later. I… Continue reading
Believe In Your Dreams
The earlier in life you conceive the dream, the longer the road. People are going to count you out. You are going to be mocked mercilessly. People are going to ape your appearance. People will sexualize you. People will litigate you. You will be persecuted by sinister forces. Your past statements will be fashioned against… Continue reading
Anything To Not Do The Work
During my nearly decade long advocacy for self-knowledge, I have demystified self-reflection as some kind of mystical, complex discipline. This is abundantly apparent in my book Make Self-Knowledge Great Again, as well as in other books such as Peaceful Parenting, where I touch upon the topic. A popular modality making the rounds in psychology circles… Continue reading