When A Young Man Remains Unaffirmed
There is a problem particular to men these days where they prefer the path of least resistance, avoid any foundational change, and try to carry on in life nursing their age old addictions. The situation is made worse when a man chooses a woman who is corrupt and will normalize the man’s lack of spirit… Continue reading
10 Years On The Range
I’ve been meaning to do a write-up on this for a few months now but have been unbelievably busy and preoccupied. Life is calming down in a nice way now and my thoughts return to this subject. I have not been conventionally employed for over 10 years now. I have called it self-employment before but… Continue reading
Bogged Down In Your Job?
The personal reality of inflation means everyone is working longer hours or angling hard for pay raises in order to maintain the same lifestyle of yesteryear. Everyone but a few privileged banking and war making elite is falling behind. To maintain their lifestyles, the elite must further and further cloister into diminishing spaces. When they… Continue reading