Against Wife Simping
The political and economic condition of the West is of great worry to most people not born to the upper of the upper crust. Wages are stagnant, the stock market is a sham, the currency is worth less than Monopoly money (a collector’s item), and a radical demographic shift to a lower IQ population base… Continue reading
Female Infantilization Of Men
In today’s entry I will be focused on female infantilization of men primarily within the romantic context. To infantilize is to influence another into a less mature state. There are many ways, within a romantic context, that a woman can infantilize her man. Speaking to him as if he were a child is the first… Continue reading
Don’t Be Stingy With Your Praise
There is this pernicious lie going around that praising someone publicly, in the Internet age, is somehow sycophantry. You have something nice to say about other people on a consistent basis? You’re a sycophant! This is a bunch of BS abusiveness masquerading as thought. People are dulled and insensitive because the general condition of the… Continue reading